All come here with definite own reasons but with the same goal - to find beloved second half! And the reasons can be different, however they include the echo of the past events, which happened to us and reflected on our present. And it's some life experience, sometimes, unfortunately, not rather pleasant, which makes us realize WHOM we want to meet and be with, WHAT relationship we want to create.
Very often, in order to live, we have to change ourselves, sometimes this process goes with pain, fear, doubt ... and we have to get rid of bad memories, habits and traditions of past. And as example of that, I want to share with you the following good parable!
At the age of 40 years old eagle's talons become too long and flexible, and he can't catch his prey. His beak is too long and curved and does not allow him eating. The feathers on wings and chest become too thick and heavy and hinder him to fly. Now the Eagle is facing the choice: either death or long and painful period of change, which lasts for 150 days ... He flies to his nest, located on the top of mountain, and there he beats the rock by his beak until, it breaks and peels off ... Then he waits for new beak to grow, with which he will pulls his claws out ... When new claws grow back, the Eagle pulls his too heavy feathering on the chest and wings ... And then, after 5 months of pain and suffering, with the new beak, claws and feathers, the Eagle is reborn again and can live for another 30 years ...
The sense is that only after we release ourselves from the burden of the past, we can enjoy the present and prepare each other for the future, for the new life, for the new LOVE!
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