The most important astrological events of 2022!
id: 10053588

The year 2022 will bring a lot of love - we will feel it when the first two months of the year are behind us. There will also be radical shifts and transformations that will help us open up to those around us and also love ourselves a lot and finally start to really take care of ourselves.

Venus Retrograde
The beginning of the year falls during Venus retrograde. The planet of love and finances turns back on December 19 and stays that way through January 29 in Capricorn. Venus itself is moving in the opposite direction to the vector of the Earth, which means the coming planetary retrograde will involve reflection on matters of the heart and money. Remember, however, that Venus retrograde is not that gloomy and hopeless. This is a great opportunity to rediscover harmony as a couple and deepen feelings.

Venus Point
The Venus Point is the position of the planets when Venus and the Sun become aligned and form a five-pointed star in the sky. There will be two Venus points in 2022. The first (in the constellation Capricorn) falls on January 8, which is the period of Venus retrograde. It's a great time to dive into romance and take care of yourself - go for a massage or a meditation session. Also, the Venus point favors socialization.
The second Venus point happens on October 22 (the day of the autumnal equinox) in the constellation Libra. This is the period of the so-called via combusta, the fiery path (from the 15th degree of Libra to the 15th degree of Scorpio, with the exception of the 22nd degree of Libra). Emotions are extremely strong during this time period, as are passions. We will want to act, to dive into a serious relationship without thinking at all about who we are giving our heart to.

Mars and Venus conjunction
Tender Venus and determined Mars will conjunct twice in 2022. Whenever the two planets closest to Earth meet under the same sign, sparks of love and profit begin to erupt everywhere.
So, the first conjunction will occur on February 12 in Capricorn. Mars will be ruling this time, as Capricorn increases its power. This will force us to think about the future of relationships, to start making decisions, and to do financial planning.
The second conjunction falls on March 12. It will be under Aquarius and suggest that we just go with the flow.

Mercury retrograde.
Mercury will retrograde as many as four times in 2022. And that means communication breakdowns, movement and technology problems will occur more often than usual. Watch what you say - make sure you say it with the right attitude.
First Mercury retrograde in Aquarius and Capricorn hits us January 14 through February 13.
Second Mercury retrograde will be in Gemini and Taurus from May 10 through June 3.
Mercury retrograde third period (Libra and Virgo) will be September 9-October 2.
The fourth and final Mercury turning in Capricorn occurs on December 29 and lasts through January 18, 2023.
