Late night thoughts
id: 4620700

It is currently 4:46 pm in the morning and I really can't get any sleep so I figured I would write here for the first time. I guess while I am laying here I figured I would bring up the topic of love. Does anyone know what love really is or is it just that we feel something different for the person we believe is our second half. I don't remember which which country had said this but they say there once was a time where we were bound together with out soulmate have more limbs and such but we were separated. If that's the case then I guess everyone has someone out there for them. I don't believe love has a definition anymore but it is more of an opinion because many people say different things when it comes to loving someone and that's totally fine. However I would say that if someone one claims they love you and it's only been a few weeks or even a couple months I would be wary, that may seem to quick and of you feel like you still don't really know that person than you are probably right in trusting your heart because it won't lead you astray. I just want both Man and Woman on this site to be safe and sound and hopefully you all find your missing half that completes you and you aren't scammed by someone. Again please be safe out there and this is to everyone! Now I'm gonna try to get some sleep because I am tired lol 😂 😴
