Spring is coming
id: 10043208

Yesterday I was walking home from work.It was late in the evening and it was raining fine.Despite the gray weather, my mood was upbeat.I could smell spring.This is not a comparable feeling.You know, at such moments I get the impression that I seem to wake up after a long hibernation.
I went to work this morning and smelled the same smell.The birds were singing around and, you know, I suddenly realized that each bird has its own interesting singing and its own tonality, but they all create such singing in chorus that no orchestra in the world is capable of creating something like this.A light rain was again drumming on the roofs of houses, on the roofs of cars, but it could not change my mood.It's like I'm a March cat who, closing his eyes and lifting his head, greedily inhales the fresh spring air.When everything is resurrected, everything wakes up after hibernation.This is encouraging, that everything will get better.After a long and gray winter, spring always comes.Therefore, I would like to congratulate you all on the arrival of the long-awaited spring, dear men.What are your feelings in this wonderful spring season?Write, it will be very interesting to read.
Sincerely yours, Inna.
