Why march 8?
id: 10049811

The New York demonstration that started it all took place on February 28. Klara Zetkin did not name a specific date. The first celebration of Women's Day in Germany took place on March 19 in commemoration of the March Revolution of 1848 in Prussia. Then, Women's Day was celebrated in different countries on March 2, 9 and 12, as well as on May 2 and 12.

The date of March 8 came to the international left movement from Russia. In 1917, on this day (February 23 according to the old style), a strike of workers of weaving factories in Petrograd began with the demands of "Bread and peace!", which turned into a revolution. A week later, the Russian emperor abdicated, and the provisional government gave women the right to vote.

In 1975, the UN General Assembly proclaimed March 8 as a day to celebrate the achievements of women in all spheres of life and to protest against the remnants of inequality.
