I'm sure you'll love this story!
id: 10052456

I love nature very much. I love the outdoors.
And so, near the village where I lived when I was little
there's a very beautiful forest, and right in the forest there's a very cool
place, there's a small lake, and there wasn't anything there before,
and now people have made a place for recreation.
So recently with friends we went there, God, I just remembered
when I was little, how we used to walk there when we were little.
We had a very cool vacation, it was so nice to even breathe this air!!!
Suddenly we heard some rustling, we didn't know what it was at first.
and we didn't even pay attention.
But it happened again.
And then we saw a baby deer, my God, it was so cute and
beautiful. My friend wanted to go up to him, but her husband stopped her and he was right.
Because his mom came out next, big and beautiful!
They were so cute and not aggressive at all!
They stood for maybe 5 minutes, we had time to take a picture of them))))
And after that, I loved nature even more!
There is nothing better than to go somewhere close to nature and just
forget about everything and relax with your soul!
