Emotions ... this is the power of a woman.
id: 10043516

Why did a man in all cultures bow his head or press his head to a woman's stomach after a fight, after some events - come and put his head on a woman's stomach? Because it is an important life center of a Woman.
He touched and digested, processed his emotions ONLY THROUGH the woman's emotional power.
Now look at your man. Is he strong enough?
If yes, thank yourself. Do you want to enhance it?
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Emotional intelligence is a person's ability to recognize the emotions and intentions of others...
. HO First of all, your own, as well as the ability to manage your emotions to solve practical problems.
If you think that you can "close your eyes" to your experiences - do not be surprised when you find yourself "flooded" in events and reactions to them.
To develop your emotional intelligence you need to:
deeply understand your feelings and reactions;
to look at things from different angles;
say “Stop!” in time;
to develop empathy;

if guilty, ask for forgiveness;
to be able to forgive and let go - insults, people, situations;
Do not jump to conclusions;
not stop learning for a day, not for a minute.
