?french kiss???
id: 10043450

To me, he represents the passion, romance and elegance that has always been associated with France and French love stories.

I wonder how this kind of kiss came about? The story goes that the French kiss comes from the culture of antiquity where kisses and hugs were common. But the French kiss became truly famous only in the 19th century, thanks to the book “Lesbia” by the author Theophile Gauthier, which describes a scene where two heroes kiss with their eyes closed.

For me, a French kiss is not just a physical act, it is a manifestation of emotions and feelings, and a real manifestation of love. I love how he brings two people together in a tender, passionate kiss and makes the rest of the world forget.

I can't help but mention that French kissing is also a skill that needs to be done properly. But if you find your soul mate and you have a desire to try this kiss, then do not be afraid to experiment and practice it.

I am sure that the French kiss will never lose its romance and elegance, and will always be associated with true love.

With love,IRINA❤️
