When people feel good together, they have one laugh for two, one smile for two and one happiness for two. In a happy relationship, there is no “I”, there is only “We”. A man and a woman should be good together. It is bad to live alone. And happiness is real only when it is shared! Women do not exist without emotions, there are men who do not cause any emotions. A man should be expected only in one case - when he has a goal and you are this goal. In other cases, do not even try to do such things. A man who does not have serious intentions should not cause any emotions at all.
In other cases, it is the man who must wait for the woman. Wait until she is late for a date again (because she was carefully preparing), wait until she searches through the entire wardrobe in search of the right dress, wait until she stops frowning and brings in the sun ... Wait. It is in anticipation that a woman gives a man once again to think about her significance.
A man who has patience is incomparable. And having, in addition to patience, also a definite goal for a woman, he is doubly incomparable
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