Long distance relationships: how to understand whether they are worth continuing
id: 10045646

Perhaps it is worth noting that when communicating at a distance, the effect of rose-colored glasses can be more pronounced - when we look at a partner not realistically, but prefer to rely on our own fantasies about him: at first, this effect is supported not only by hormones, but also by whether there is we have the opportunity to move into the field of real interaction or not.

Otherwise, long-distance relationships are just as capable of giving us a cocktail of very different, sometimes conflicting sensations and emotions, for which we are looking for a romantic partner: euphoria, delight, surprise, doubt, fear, rage, happiness.

The most popular way to start a romantic relationship remotely is through online dating apps.

Before we go any further, it is important to understand the purposes for which you enter into such communication. If this is an expansion of the circle of friends, unobtrusive correspondence or meetings for entertainment, then, probably, you will not be faced with the task of getting to know the person deeply, building a trusting contact for a long period of time, and such relationships will not burden either you or the other side.

How to maintain a long distance relationship

It is very important for a couple to have common goals in the future, to make common plans.
In a long distance relationship, there must be an element of hope for compatibility - without this, they quickly fade away.
Try to discuss the plans of each of you and look for intersections: if we are talking about weekends or vacations, try to figure out where to really spend this time together.

Even if you often communicate via video calls and chat a lot, you still lose a significant part of the information about a person - about what he, for example, “feels like” or how he smells. For a really deep relationship, these parameters are very important.

Remember that communication should be desirable - both for you and for your counterpart.
There should be coincidences in outlooks on life, in how you build communication with each other, what goals you are going for and what you are ready to invest in relationships.

Successful long-distance relationships are not only those that take into account all the nuances described above, but also those that eventually lead people to a long comfortable stay on a common territory - after all, it is this format of jointness that brings us the greatest emotional satisfaction and a sense of happiness .
