Ukraine is like a Tresure
id: 10012467
My country, Ukraine has evolved tremendously in recent years. As most people know, Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union, until its unity dissolved in the early 1990s. Shortly after, it was very difficult for the Ukraine people to find jobs and stabilize financially. As a woman, my education was limited and so were my job skills. Eventually, Ukraine's economy improved as we continued to refine our governing body, laws and country. Ukraine has some great assets, such as our export industry. In fact, Ukraine is one of the largest manufacturers of space ships and satellites and is a leader in space exploration and space missions! Ukraine has some of the most scenic nature in the world. There are a beautiful variety of picturesque mountains, rolling hills and my personal favorite, the rivers. We do enjoy four seasons throughout the year but get plenty of snow. October and November are my favorite months, as the leaves change colors and fall from the trees and the air is crisp. I tend to do a lot of cooking and baking during the colder months, as I have always enjoyed doing, especially Borscht. In my opinion, cooking has always traditionally been a woman's job, as was household chores, such as cleaning and laundry. Nowadays, the men tend to help out in the house more than when I was a young girl. Despite being somewhat of a traditionalist, being a part of history and the evolution of my country has been an amazing experience.