How parents can communicate with their children about love relationships and help them develop communication and relationship conflict resolution skills
id: 10052788

Here are some ways you can help your kids with this:

Listen to your children. They may have their own opinions and feelings about their love relationship and you need to be willing to listen to them. Do not attach importance to the age of your children - every person, regardless of age, is entitled to their feelings and opinions.

Explain what is a healthy relationship. Tell your kids what a healthy relationship is and what they should expect from their partners. Explain that in any relationship there should be respect, openness, trust and honesty.

Discuss sexual issues. It may not be easy, but your role as a parent is to provide your children with all the knowledge they need about sex and sexuality. Discuss safety, contraception, protection from infections, and talk about sexual boundaries and consent.

Teach your children conflictology. Conflict is inevitable in any relationship, and your job is to teach your children how to manage it and solve problems without violence or aggression. Help them learn to listen to each other, express their feelings and needs, and seek compromise.

Respect the privacy of your children. It is not always easy to let your children go into adulthood, but you must understand that they can make their own mistakes and learn from their own experiences. Respect their privacy and remember that they will only tell you about their relationship if they feel you are not judging or judging.
