It is known that sleep consists of several phases: slow and fast, which in turn are divided into subphases.
Hence, it is calculated that the average duration of a healthy sleep should be an average of 8 hours.
During sleep, all processes in the activity of organs and systems slow down, the muscles are maximally relaxed, the whole body rests, and the activity of the brain changes radically, which makes it possible to properly process, save and get rid of unnecessary, redundant information accumulated while awake.
In general, there is no doubt that sleep is necessary for the proper functioning of our body and, accordingly, directly affects the quality of life in general!
What is necessary for sleep to be healthy and to maximally help the normal functioning of the whole body?
It is advisable to develop the habit of going to bed at the same time, a few hours before bedtime, not to burden your body with fatty and heavy food, avoid overstimulation of the nervous system (do not watch TV, computer, telephone immediately before sleep) and physical overstrain.
Short walks in the fresh air, reading a few pages of your favorite book or any pleasant and light literature, a warm shower and the sounds of nature (light surf, sound of rain or sounds of the forest) have a very positive effect!
The right dose of sleep is the best remedy for stress, it also lowers blood pressure and the level of harmful cholesterol. Getting enough sleep is an effective defense against depression.
If we get enough sleep, it greatly affects our functioning.
I hope you find something interesting for yourself in today's blog.
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