Do not give expensive gifts to your Ukrainian acquaintances. Ukrainians believe it is better to get an inexpensive, but useful, or simply a pleasant gift that shows the giver's attention. Having received an expensive gift a Ukrainian will feel indebted to the giver. Ukrainians themselves are generous and usually in a good mood. They are temperamental, often unpredictable and hardly capable of suppressing both good and bad emotions, relying more on feelings than reason. Most people are industrious and hardworking.
In the house Ukrainians always take off their shoes at the entrance. In the house walk in slippers, and the owners almost always have at least one pair of spare slippers for the guests. The Ukrainians do not drink tap water, no matter how clean it is. Ukrainians love parties and celebrations, any occasion can be the cause for a boisterous celebration. Friends and family are considered to be very important, close ties are treasured.
Strangers and unfamiliar men shake hands with each other when they meet, sometimes it is a way of greeting friends and fellows. More often, close friends pat each other on the shoulders and back when greeting each other. Women greet their close friends of both sexes with a kiss on the cheek. On public transport women with small children or heavy bags, pregnant women, the elderly and disabled people are customary to give up their places. Elderly people are usually treated with respect as it has been the custom since time immemorial.
The status of Ukrainian women is ambiguous: on the one hand, education and work are available to all women, they are self-reliant, and many women work in science, politics, and business; on the other hand, women are still viewed as objects, female opinion is looked down upon, jokes about female logic and emotional instability are common. Working women are still expected to cook, clean, and look after children. Ukrainian women have a strong character, whose roots can be found in the distant past, when Cossack wives stayed in charge while their husbands went off to war.
Ukraine has an interesting alcohol culture. Alcoholic drinks like gorilka and mead seem inseparable from the country's image. Here it's considered indecent to refuse to drink, and refusing to drink at a funeral for the deceased is seen as disrespectful and even an insult to the memory of the deceased. It is customary to drink the full amount of alcohol. Strong and not so strong drinks accompany all holidays, including church holidays. Ukrainians can get drunk, but there are few drunks among them. Alcohol is mainly seen as a means to relax in the company of friends or relatives, and those who drink alone or without an excuse are looked down upon.
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