Soul. Love. Happiness. Luck. Dream.
id: 195
Hello,lovely ladies here on FB. You have made my time here wonderful,amazing,i have learned so much about your country,visited several times,and about Ukrainian women.There is such cocktail of women from 18 to 55,very large extensive choice. I am a very picky man,before I make up my mind,I must feel I do make right choice,because this time will be last time and I wish it to last until my last breath.Some ladies here have not quite right understanding about soul,love,happiness,luck, I wish to post here what my opinion about all is.How I see it.

Every living and non living thing Universe has a soul.A stone has a soul,sheep has a soul,eagle has a soul,wood has a soul,you and me have a soul.A little spermicide from you were initiated in your mother womb had a soul.Passed on to you from both parents.Soul can not destroyed ever.Even after we die,soul lives on .Soul is the energy within us.Inside us.Energy can never be destroyed,it only turn in different kind of energy.Word energy is not very romantic,so we use word soul.Every soul always need another soul to feel complete.A companion to walk with and to love.Soul can be beautiful and can also be bad

Every one say,that love hurts,but this is not true.Loneliness hurts,rejection hurts.Loosing someone hurts.Envy hurts.Every one get things confused with love.Love ,in reality,is the only thing in this world which covers all the pain and make someone feel wonderful again.Love is the only thing in the world that does not hurt.True love makes no demands,is unconditional.

To live happy,you must be happy inside you yourself first.Happiness is a choice we make,a decision we take.You simply look in the mirror deep in your own eyes and say to the face you see....From now on I will live happy.You do not need to be perfect,just try to be the best you can be and that best should be good enough.Love your self first,before you can love some one else.Feel happy with who you are.Enjoy your own company first,never feel desperate when alone.Already,when you make such choice to be happy ,you already feel this warm feeling go through you body.Do it now,do not wait to tomorrow,next week,next month,or sometimes in the future.

Luck by itself is just an empty word,meaning nothing.When you connect word luck with word chance,only then you get a success. Some people also say opportunity,fate destiny.Most people just sit and wait luck will come knocking at your door without doing anything for it.Such does not happen.One never wins,if one never tries.

Ever since we become aware of ourselves,we start dreaming.When we see there is life different to our own life.You notice some people are richer,have more luxury,others look happier,have more nice parents,laugh more then you do,more cheerful.You think and start dreaming about living such life too.As we grow up and understand more,one thing becomes more important than the others,so we focus on that dream.You sit down and write on a piece of paper with large words what we dream about most.Put that paper on a wall on a place we see clear every day we wake up.Only then the dream becomes a goal.Our life most important goal.Then you work out or find a road map to get there.If we do not write it down,it only remains a wish.When we were born,we were not given a good or bad life.We were given a life.It is only up to us to make this life either good or bad.

I wrote all this to you ,because I care about you.Love yourself first,only then others will love you too and also you will be able to love back.You can never force someone to love you.After reading my blog,you comfortably lean back in your chair ,or your sofa and go in your mind through things I wrote to you,find agreement,or disagreement.Make an opinion that will make you feel better,more confident in your self.If love becomes an addiction, it causes pain and confusion,but can also be an obsession.
Wishing a happy New Year,2016 to staff here and to all who know me.Kisses and hugs.