I myself was very shy in my youth, and it was very difficult for me to start conversations with strangers. However, over time, I learned to overcome my shyness and communicate with people easily and naturally.
Here are some tips to help you learn how to communicate with people if you are shy:
Find common interests. Try to find common interests with those you want to connect with. It can be any hobby, interest or passion. If you have common interests, it will be easier for you to start a conversation and keep it going.
Practice. Practice makes the master, and this applies to dealing with people. The more you communicate with people, the easier it will be for you to do this. Start with simple questions and keep the conversation going. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, it's important to just try.
Don't compare yourself to others. Don't compare yourself to other people who may seem more confident and outgoing. Each person is unique and each has their own strengths. Focus on your strengths and use them in your interactions with others.
Prepare ahead of time. If you have the opportunity, prepare ahead of time to talk to the person you want to talk to. Research the topic you want to discuss and prepare questions to start the conversation.
Use positive thoughts. Thoughts make a big difference in how we behave. Use positive thoughts and make sure you are ready to connect. For example, you can repeat to yourself that you are smart, kind, and interesting, and this will help you boost your self-confidence.
Hope these tips help you
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