Devo13! Good luck to you!
id: 213218
Hello Devo!

I see Pharoah has written you already. Let me first wish everyone and I mean everyone luck in their search for love. We need that luck. Because this world is cruel and ruthless. We need God's blessing and his guidance through these dark forests.

This is my second time at the site. But this time I am a much more focused. I know what I want and I am going to get it! Sometimes, you need to take time to think about life and the lessons it teaches. I deleted my previous account. But with my previous blog entry, I talked with a man named Eric Stull . I told him that in order to find love, you have to use your brain as well as your heart.

Devo, you have caring heart. But you have an splendid beautiful brain. Listen to that brain. You ask why young women seek an older man?

The answer is obvious and you have already answered it in your head. Stop doubting your brain.

As for the rest of you men, I look at all of you, and I wish you the absolute best. I hope you let God guide you. I hope you use that intellect God gave you and I hope you go out and find happiness and peace.

As for me, I have found my calling here!

I sincerely pray for each of you!