Spring madness
id: 10049685

🌺First, I want spring to be so bright and colorful that I can wear the brightest and craziest outfits. I dream of green trees, beautiful flowers and warm sunshine on my soft skin.

🌸But that's not all! I want spring to bring crazy adventures. I want to go on long walks in the parks, sing songs on top of a mountain, ride my bike, rollerblade, and do lots of other crazy things!

🌺I also dream of meeting my spring love. I imagine walking through parks, holding hands, kissing on benches and laughing at silly jokes. Spring is a time of love, and I want to feel all its power!

🌸Of course, spring may not be as perfect as I imagine it to be. There may be rain, and cold, and all sorts of troubles. But I don't want to think about those things. I want to believe that spring will be crazy and bright and full of adventure. And if I believe that, my dreams are sure to come true!

So, friends, let's believe the best and look forward to the warmth! I'm sure it won't let us down and will bring lots of joy, laughter and crazy adventures!
