Do you celebrate Easter? can we do it together?
id: 10045478

One of my favorite traditions on this day is the coloring of eggs. My friends and family and I get together to decorate the eggs with bright colors and patterns. This is such a fun activity that brings a lot of joy and laughter. And after we finish coloring the eggs, we start serving delicious Easter dishes. Do you have a favorite dish for Easter?

What Easter traditions do you like to keep?
Another tradition that I like is going to church on this day. My family and I go to the Easter service, where we listen to sermons and songs that remind us of the greatness of this day. This year, due to the pandemic, we attended an online service, but it was just as touching and memorable.

Of course, we must not forget about the symbolism of this holiday. Eggs, lamb and green color - all this symbolizes life and resurrection. When I see these symbols, I always remember that life is a priceless gift that must be cherished and appreciated. What symbols of Easter are most significant for you?

On this day, I feel that the world is filled with light and hope. Although the past year has been difficult, I know that there is hope for the best. Easter reminds us that there is always light at the end of the tunnel and that happiness is just around the corner. And what do you think about it?
