You are wrong: 6 signs that you are confusing passion with love
id: 10041970

Emotional swing
Love (compared to lust/attraction/being in love) is a rather boring feeling because it knows no ups or downs. If your relationship is characterized by emotional swings and the so-called "roller coaster", then most likely you are dealing with passion, not love. The high intensity of feelings of love, as a rule, is not characteristic.

The first thing that distinguishes passion from love is an emotional upsurge, intensity of feelings, a state of euphoria. All this is characteristic of falling in love, which covers a person at the first stage of a relationship. If a partner on the third day of dating tells you about his deep feelings and desire to spend the rest of his life with you, most likely it is about passion and strong attraction, and not about love.

Rapid fading of feelings
Passion passes quickly, love remains for a long time. Love is a feeling that matures over the years, like fine wine. Passion, unfortunately, does not pass the test of time. Of course, you can try to periodically revive it with the help of emotional swings - some couples do this when, for example, they make scandals, pack things, break up, converge again, and so on. But love is when, without shaking the air, partners are close, feel each other, retain a desire to flirt, communicate, and spend time together.

Seeing relationships through rose-colored glasses
If you idealize a partner, and you look at what is happening between you through rose-colored glasses, then you are most likely overwhelmed by passion. As a rule, a loving person is able to see not only the virtues of his partner, but also his shortcomings. A sober view of things is what distinguishes a loving person from a lover. It is lovers who are characterized by strong disappointments in a partner: so strong that there is a desire to break up with a person, because he is strikingly different from a portrait drawn by the imagination under the influence of passion. Love is first and foremost acceptance of another person.

Lack of spiritual intimacy
Love is closeness not only bodily, but also spiritual, because it is based on trust in each other, which allows partners to experience crises in relationships, but at the same time retain the desire to be near. At the initial stage of the relationship, when partners are in a state of love and overwhelmed by passion, there is no need for such trust, because partners perceive intimacy at this stage mainly in an intimate context.

impulsive decisions
Experiencing passion, a person tends to make momentary, spontaneous decisions "on emotions", which are often erroneous. Strictly speaking, for a lover, the world is either black or white, and this directly applies to his partner and relationships. A simple example: to get jealous and leave a person without even trying to understand the situation. A loving person makes, as a rule, balanced decisions, even when they are not easy.
