Love addiction
id: 10041970

What is love addiction?
Before we talk about what the essence of love addiction is, let's look at more general concepts. Dependence, according to the definition in Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary, is subordination to others (another) in the absence of independence, freedom. That is, this is a state in which we perform certain actions not because we want to, but under the influence of something or someone that requires it from us. This is a lack of freedom that brings experiences or even suffering.

You are obsessed with the idea of love in general. You are constantly visited by fantasies of romantic moments and ideal relationships. You can find inspiration for them in films, books or paintings. These dreams of love give strength to live on. And even if you're already in a relationship, that doesn't stop you from fantasizing about passionate or elevated feelings.

You are obsessed with a certain person. It can be obsessive thoughts about your partner or even a potential partner (to achieve the attention and love you want no matter what). You may neglect your own affairs, family interests, friends, or hobbies because your thoughts constantly revolve around this person. However, you may mistake sexual attraction for emotional intimacy.

You "cling" to your partner. When you are around him, you can be overly intrusive: you need to know everything about how he feels, what he thinks. You constantly fight for his attention, even in those moments when it is completely inappropriate. Also, you intend to do everything to keep him in a relationship with you.

You cannot end a destructive relationship. Even if you are suffering from emotional or physical abuse, you do not want to leave your partner. Perhaps you are afraid that you will not be able to find another man for yourself, so you prefer to be content with what you already have.

You place more value on initial attraction than long-term intimacy. You remember how wonderful the moment is when you meet a new person, and there is a flash between you - a physical or emotional attraction. This is the feeling you want to feel again and again. Even if you have a permanent partner, you subconsciously continue to look for this feeling on the side. Love is perceived by you as something sublime, impetuous, elusive. And at the same time, you dream of someday meeting your soul mate - a person with whom you will be happy all your life.

You do not feel the strength to survive the breakup. If your partner wants to leave you and end the relationship, you are filled with great despair. You are ready for anything, just to prevent a breakup.

You can't deal with being alone. The pain of not having a partner by your side scares you much more than an unhappy relationship. You are ready to meet and live with any person, just not to be alone. You are putting all your energy and time into finding a partner. In those moments when you are not in a relationship with anyone, you dampen the unbearable feelings that loneliness causes by having sex with a random man or fantasizing to escape from reality.

You are ready to sacrifice everything to please your partner. If your appearance, behavior or habits do not satisfy him, you change them and willingly make sacrifices, just so that he is pleased with you. You may be frightened by what he requires of you, cause inner discomfort, but you will do anything because of the fear that otherwise he will leave you.

You want to own the partner. It is unpleasant for you when he mentions the name of another woman in a conversation with you. Even worse, when you notice that he himself communicates at ease with a representative of the beautiful half of humanity. You can try to force him to cut off all social contact with other women because you are afraid that he may be attracted to someone else besides you. If he is going to spend time with friends, you will make him feel guilty about this.

You love, despite the unrequited feelings. Even if this person rejected you once, you hope that he can change his mind and change his attitude towards you.

You need a person nearby to be happy. You perceive your partner as a guarantor of stability, love and happiness. It seems to you that your life will never be complete if you do not find a person who will fill you with love.
