Easter basket
id: 10048035

In the Orthodox tradition, the Easter basket (also called "loaf") plays an important role in the celebration of Easter. Every year on the Saturday before Easter, the faithful bring their Easter baskets to the church, where they are blessed by a priest. As a rule, the following products are included in the Easter basket:

1) Easter cake is a sweet yeast dough that symbolizes the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Easter cake is often decorated with icing, dried apricots, candied fruits and other confectionery.

2) Painted eggs - eggs symbolize new life and rebirth. Usually they are painted red, which also symbolizes the blood of Christ.

3) Salt is a symbol of blessing and life. Salt is usually placed in a small pack and placed in a basket.

4) Easter cheese is a white hard cheese that also symbolizes new life.

5) Bars with garlic - they symbolize strength and health.

6) Greenery - greenery symbolizes spring and new life that comes after winter.

7) Wine - it symbolizes the blood of Christ shed for the salvation of people.

8) Meat - meat symbolizes the victory of Christ over death and sin.

This is not an exhaustive list of products that may be included in the Easter basket. Some people also add butter, horseradish, nuts, and other foods to their baskets. It is important to remember that the Easter basket is a symbolic item that helps believers celebrate Easter and reminds them of the importance of faith and tradition.
