What to do if you feel lonely at your age
id: 10039722

Join an Interest Group
Searching for an interest group in social networks, communities and clubs is a great way to find like-minded people. You can find groups that are passionate about what interests you and join them. This will help you make contacts and make new friends.

Volunteering is a great way not only to help others, but also to make new friends. You can join a local organization or charitable foundation and take part in charitable activities. This will allow you to meet people who share your values and beliefs.

Chat online
The Internet is a wonderful way to make new friends and keep in touch with old ones. You can join online communities that share your interests, or just chat on social media. This will help you feel connected to other people and avoid loneliness.

Find a new hobby
Finding new interests and hobbies is a great way to occupy your mind and time. You can try something new, such as dancing, painting, playing musical instruments, or playing sports. This will help you meet new people who share your interests.

Don't be afraid to ask for help
If you feel too lonely and can't get over this feeling, don't hesitate to ask for help. There are many organizations and professional
