Chamomile, rose or lavender?
id: 10045236

Imagine that your character is a flower. Each flower has its own unique aroma and taste that attracts certain insects. Likewise, your personality may be attracted to certain types of food that you particularly enjoy.

For example, if your personality is similar to chamomile, then you may prefer light and delicate flavors such as fruit and green tea. If your personality is closer to rose, then you may like more complex and deeper flavors, such as coffee and dark chocolate.
What if your personality is similar to lavender? Then you may like more spicy and aromatic dishes that remind you of the summer meadow where this flower grows.

Of course, each person is unique in their taste and preferences. But this knowledge can help us better understand how our food preferences are related to our character and personality traits.

As a result, the choice of food is not only a physiological need, but also an expression of our character and personality. Knowing your partner's food preferences, you can safely assume his character traits.
