1 The thought processes of men and women are different from each other. Men tend to think big, being well oriented in space. The thought of a man is built more accurately and is subject to the general laws of logical thinking. A woman, on the other hand, often thinks completely irrationally from the point of view of logic, relying more on her own feelings and intuition. And if the word “rationality” is at the root of a man’s thinking, then the word “emotionality” is found in a woman in this place. It is because of this difference between men and women that misunderstanding arises. However, it is often this difference that makes women's thinking more beneficial and useful than men's when you need to think about not only the situation itself, but everything that directly or indirectly concerns it.
2 Men and women have different priorities. If a man has a career and success in the first place, then for a woman the creation and preservation of a strong family, the birth of healthy children is paramount. It is because of this difference that misunderstanding often arises, after which women accuse men of callousness, and men call women kluckers. And all due to the fact that a man is almost always immersed in thoughts about work, as well as worries and joys related to it. And the woman thinks more about ensuring that everyone in the family is well fed, healthy, that the house is in order and comfortable, to visit her parents.
3 A man and a woman are looking for different things for themselves in communication with colleagues, friends. A woman pays more attention to having support in her team or a company of friends, to establish mutual understanding. A man, on the subconscious level, is more focused on being the first and the best. This style of behavior also affects preferences. Usually men do not like to watch programs and films based on the analysis of feelings and relationships. It is much more interesting to watch a football match, boxing or an adventure movie. A woman, on the other hand, will watch a melodrama or a show with great pleasure, carefully observing the building of relationships between people.
4 Dependence on someone else's opinion among representatives of different sexes differs from each other. Men are not so dependent on the environment. That is why they are more likely to take decisive action. A woman, on the other hand, is more prone to evaluating her actions, repeatedly playing in her head all possible scenarios for the development of events and her behavior in the event of different outcomes of a case, anticipating the reaction of people around her.
5 Sexual activity differs between men and women. This is directly related to hormonal processes in organisms and to the social role that men and women have been destined to play since ancient times. Nature assigned a man the role of the successor of the family. Therefore, it is very important for him to quickly “flare up” for sexual intercourse. A woman, on the other hand, is aimed at bearing and giving birth to children, therefore she is more carefully looking for a partner, more slowly “lights up” with a desire for intimacy.
6 Women prefer communication, men like to be "in themselves" more. Even problem solving usually proceeds in the same way: a woman seeks help, advice and support from friends and relatives. A man closes in on himself, digests everything silently.
7 In an emergency, the psyche of men is more capable of quick response and action. Women, on the other hand, usually “slow down”, begin to focus their attention on insignificant trifles, or are completely lost.
8 For a man, it is important to quickly achieve the goal. A woman is not so impulsive, she knows how to wait. At the same time, the man prefers to go to the goal in the intended way. The slightest deviations can take a man out of his working rut. A woman, on the other hand, knows how to smoothly adapt to the situation, scrolling through different options for the development of events in advance.
9 Men and women have different temperaments. Men are more characterized by an impulsive type of temperament - choleric. Women, on the other hand, more often belong to the melancholic and sanguine type of temperaments. Such a type as a phlegmatic is usually equally characteristic of both men and women.
10 Women are more emotionally open than men. It is the ability to express their emotions that distinguishes women from low-emotional men. It is difficult for a woman to contain her emotions. Often this behavior is due to hormonal processes in the female body on different days of the menstrual cycle. Men do not have such a regular "walk" of hormones, because their behavior and emotional state is more stable.
So, as mentioned above, men are different from women. However, there are no clear boundaries of difference. Many of the above male traits are also characteristic of individual female representatives. And vice versa: some men often have some features of the female psyche.
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