First I wish to say thank you so much to everyone who writes. Also I feel compelled to share that I receive letters and messages so much, I could never answer more than a fraction of them! I am so sorry to any of you who feel ignored, it is not my intention but in this crowd I may fail to look directly at you. I make a great effort to give my attention, but I am only one person. Also as you should know I am not a rich man, so I am not be able to respond even to the few of you who I find very interesting. I am sorry.
Second, about your profiles, I wish to say everything that WES has said in his blog. I can add nothing. It is perfect and I agree with every word and thought. What little I might add is merely a sugar coating of personal preference. Show us your faces ladies. To catch this man an attactive physical appearance turns the head but only for a moment. He must look, regardless of the reason, and then you catch his eyes with yours. So do what you like but to land a keeper, it is in his eyes, and through those windows to the soul you will feel the love connection with him, and not just by continually shaking your ass, you know?
Ok, finally I receive ten thousand questions here. In recent weeks I start to save some and want to answer them all for you. There are probably too many to answer all in one, but if this blog is permitted then I will try to answer more the next time also. Please forgive the chaotic arrangement of these questions. I want to arrange them by topic but it will take too long.
Q: would you like to go to Hugh Hefner's party?
A: No, absolutely not!
Q: what man always has in his pocket?
A: For me, a knife to save a life and always at least 3 pure, 1 ounce silver coins. Every day!
Q: what brings you the MOST satisfcation in all your life? what brings ultimate joy?
A: The most satisfying feeling I feel is love from hearts of others. It is my joy to feel others in their moments of expressing happiness.
Q: tired after long day, would you rather be happy if your wife cook tasty dinner or meet you in sexy babydoll? Which is more enjoyable or tasty?
A: Both! Either one or the other, Whether I am hungry or tired.
Q: what do you think of children with guns?
A: I love this question as I have a personal experience! I believe strongly if a child is old enough to speak and listen and obey parents then it is a good time to discuss gun safety and to learn proper handling and most important safety rules and lessons. At my age 20 I was shot in the head by my friend with my own newly bought .22 pistol. Clearly we were not observing proper safety. I am lucky to survive only losing sight in 1 eye. This would not have happened if we were better educated in safety. Guns are useful tools for protection, though dangerous, they are not wrong in proper hands. I am now very experienced in proper handling and wish I was so taught during the days I ran around with my childhood friends with toy guns, yelling "BANG BANG". Yes I am an excellent shot, William Tell with a pistol or rifle.
Q: did you ever imagine celebrities while having intimacy with your woman?
A: No, far too busy with real life to be imagining things.
Q: Ever try to catch snowflakes with your tongue?
A: Of course! All the time. It snows here a lot!
Q: Do you consider yourself shy?
A: Yes, I once was very shy. My nature is bubbly and spontaneous so that I can barely be contained in my own shell. Noone thinks I am shy but I feel it. Now I think life too short to just feel whatever happens in the moment and talk to anyone, But...
Q: How can someone like you be single?
A: Still noone looks at me here, and I will not return to my EX, so I thought I would be single forever, except for this place. Also when some women know a man is not rich then they have no interest.
Q: Do you remember how you were as a kid?
A: Yes I mostly remember it still.
Q: What was your favorite toy you had in childhood?
A: Once I had a remote control car. It was over 2 feet long and over 1 foot wide, big back tires and long thin front tires. 30 KM/H and a 1/2 Km range! How free I felt to run beside it and watch it race anywhere!
Q: Parents have a great influence on you?
A: They once did, now they still have an influence but I follow my own choices now if there is some conflict of interests.
Q: You were a capricious child?
A: Yes of course. Are not all children? If no then perhaps all the hopeless romantics are capricious children.
Q: How do you feel about the girl making the first move?
A: Go For It Girl! Listen, life is too short for you to wait for shy guy to figure out his game plan. Some guys actually waiting you come up to them and act fresh because they don't know how! Best thing, GO SAY HI! Then don't think about what to say, just be there and listen and look or say what you feel if you think something to say.
Q: Do you believe in omens and prophetic dreams?
A: Yes, but I don't believe every person who says they have such.
Q: is the participation of the father in the upbringing of the son [important]?
A: 'Raise a child up in the way he should go, and he will never depart from it.' This is a father's responsibility, and to protect and provide and love unconditionally.
Q: Do you have children secret that you still keep?
A: The 2 women I have been with could no longer have children when we met. I have no secret love child.
Q: What do you consider betrayal?
A: I think betrayal is a choice someone makes, knowing it will hurt a friend.
Q: How do you think the right to commit adultery - is a prerogative of men?
A: We all have the God given gift of freedom to choose. To choose therefor is a right, yes? Choice of adultery for a man or woman therefor is within the realm of 'his right'. HOWEVER, personally how can such a choice be seen anyway but clearly WRONG. I think if a man believes such a thought is 'right' because he is a man and has a right to do what he wishes, such a person is not a man but a child and such a choice to willfully hurt another who trusts makes a person into scum. Such a person may be forgiven but he should have a change of heart first, and the choice to forgive OR NOT is hers alone to make.
Q: When you look at a pretty girl,do you imagine how to have sex with her?
A: No! I may have just appreciation, but I may think it would be nice to have such a pretty friend or a girlfriend. I do suffer temptation and lust, but to fight this in public I look at all people as having feelings and deserving a measure of respect for suffering the human condition as I do also. And at the sight of sexy clothing and sexy bodies, tempted or not I am thankful to have eyes and be able to see many forms of beauty.
Q: At what age did you started to like girls?
A: Oh, maybe 7 or 8
Q: Who should dominate the relationship, a woman or a man?
A: Ah, another great question. No one should DOMINATE, but sharing to determine what is best. However, sometimes hard choices are the prerogative of the man, so the man should stand in front of his woman, make the hard choices, and endure the consequences as a man with love for his woman.
Q: if you just won a million dollars, would you quit your job?
A: probably, but not in a disrespectful way, so with reasonable notice.
Q: Can you be my driving instructor?
A: I have had good success helping some friends learn how to drive, so yes! I prefer standard (stick shift)
Q: Do you love fast driving?
A: Who doesn't love fast driving? My dream car a 1995 Mazda RX7, but I would very much like also the 1984 or earlier model, no computer chips in it! I also like the Mazda Miata MX5, nice and small and sporty. So I am a safe driver since I only drive too fast in simulations.
Q: how many letters do you receive everyday here?
A: I once received 50 to 80 letters a day here. Now I believe some ladies know I am not a super rich guy and so it is about 5 to 15 a day. However, I have discovered the chat feature holds hundreds of messages every day. I have avoided this feature since it is too expensive to be practical for my budget here.
I feel it is worth noting at this point that many girls express frustration that I am ignoring them. Imagine me on the other side of a glass wall. I can see through it but you cannot see me nor can we be heard. You may slip through your words in the form of letters. I must throw money out of my wallet every time I wish to say hello. It is simply impossible to me to say hi any time that I wish. So I can rarely chat. It would be nice. So sorry girls, but you must not take it personal. If you wish to be sure your messages reach me, then write letters, and keep writing so that yours is on top in case I miss your last one. I still have hundreds unread letters! I can't read them all now.
Q: What kind of music do you like?
A: All music. Favorite band Allman Brothers. Favorite musical artist Duane Allman, died Oct. 19, 1971 - Recommend "Allman Brothers, Eat a Peach 1972" best album. Favorite composer Beethoven, hands down 9th symphony.
Q: If you wound up on a deserted island and on your MP3-player was only one song. What song would you like it to be?
A: A hard question! "Blue Sky" from Allman Brothers - Eat A Peach album, or "Ain't Wastin' Time" - same artist, same album, or "No Rain" from Blind Melon. So you pick it now
Q: If you meet a really good lady, but she asks you to wait with sex for a while... Will you leave her?
A: God no! That would be stupid of me!
Q&A: Coffee, black with sugar or without, try it with brown sugar. I drink it too much. I tell you my saying about coffee:
"I think people should like things, but love people and animals; not to love things. So I like to think of coffee as a person! ;D
Q: Blondes, brunettes, or redheads. Long or short hair?
A: Sure, sure, sure! Long, but short is fun too!
Q: Do you believe in destiny?
A: Yes
Q: Do you consider yourself as a modern lover or old-fashioned?
A: Both!
Q: you work out in gym?
A: I work out at home with 10lb, 20lb, 35lb dumbells, chin-ups, sit-ups, push-ups, planks, squats, stretches, karate, and 'dancing'. I can't really dance but I have good rhythm, same thing.
Q: Do you believe in Karma?
A: No, but I use the word all the time. It is an excellent word to describe a condition of a person who has excess or lack of positive and negative energies or a balance of that energy, which comes from his/her actions over time, ie. "good karma, bad karma". I also do NOT believe in luck, but I use the word excessively; like I feel very lucky to have found this place, and I have been unlucky in love and business.
Q: soon it will be 8th of March...Do you know this holiday? Do women celebrate it there?
A: I had never heard about it before. Also no one I know has heard of Man's Day. Both a pity, yes?
Q: Do men have other interpretation of love than women?
A: Yes, some men fail to understand love.
Q: Is your life incomplete without beloved woman?
A: Yes, MY life is missing true love. Not everyone has this problem to be alone.
Q: I seem or someone forgot to take the foot off the gas pedal and the days fly by quickly?
A: Yes, I have put a short study on this strange phenomenon. It appears that the absolute speed of light is subject to change! Also the Word of Truth tells of a quickening of days. Such changes may defy understanding but would seem to be 'felt' by a great many people these days.
Q: Are you a sprinter or a marathoner...
A: Well I can run so fast but also I can run a long time. My real answer to the question between the lines is: all night long.
Q: Tell me your dreams.
A: I had 3.
1 as a boy I dreamt I was flying. It was full color and I had all control of my choices of movement, most amazing feeling then I realized I was in a dream and woke up casually! An amazing dream for me.
2 Last year I had a vivid dream that I attended a sport match. The game was not like a game that exists but a mix of the likeness of many games. One player was always visible, a Japanese man who strangely had a name in my dream, Tatsuo. He was the most amazing, precise athelete in the games as a goal keeper. His team won the match and there were such cheers and a feeling of happiness! Slowly but then all of a sudden the colorful room filled up completely with water and everyone, including me, swam around under water! How strange but fun!
3 A year ago I had a dream. All details shrouded in fog. There seemed a yard outside and inside a place to sit, like a couch, but I am standing. Before me was a woman sitting who I cannot see. Not because of darkness but a shroud of the dream hiding her from my minds eye. I cannot see her face but I can see her eyes. She stood up and with that a feeling the she is leaving but no sadness. I see her eyes. I believe they are the eyes of my lover, or my first to fall in love. All in black and white and grey, no color. then I woke up.
These 3 are the only dreams I had in sleep.
Q: what's your favorite marvel hero?
A: Forget it, my favorite comic hero is Batman, he is sooo cool! Real life heros defend and protect. My favorite is Vassili Zaitsev.
Q: Did you have sex in the rain?
A: Not yet!!
Q: should I increase my boobs?
A: NO!! Ok great question. My preference tends to small, but I'm not picky about boobs. God gave it you because they are perfect for you. Sure we have a right to our bodies, so if it make you happy to do something, then do it FOR YOU. But I don't agree with knife surgery just for show, and generally surgery is better to be avoided, modern medicine being what it is: A BUSINESS, FOR PROFIT, and little to no concern for the real health of real people with real feelings. I strongly doubt that I'll be with a woman who has done such, but who knows. Certainly it does not succeed at attracting me more. I'm also interested in the whole package, not just a single feature.
Q: Beauty will save the world?
A: No dear, the world is doomed, but if there was a single thing that could save the world, it would be truth. As for mankind, already we have Jesus who saves us if we believe, so I don't worry about saving the world. I just take care of my little space around me.
Q: do you love walks under the beams of full moon?
A: I love walking at night after midnight. I did it almost every day last summer. My favorite constellation is Orion.
Q: Favorite hobby?
A: I really like pool/billiards. Also target shooting is fun.
Q: Which was your favorite child book?
A: Dune - Frank Herbert
Q: Ever hit a girl?
A: NO! Girls are for loving and giving love back. Listening to, advice, emotional comfort, holding. Not for hitting. If a man hits you for no good reason, then you pretend you are a man, and hit him back, but you might use a brick to help you.
What is a good reason to hit a woman? Well there isn't but if you are a physically violent woman, and a man hits you, then you maybe deserve that and should stop fighting then.
Q: Do you believe in love at first sight?
A: I did not. Then I fell in love the moment I met a certain woman last year. It was my first time to 'fall' in love. It was also quite painful, but I know such a thing truly exists.
Q: was there a time in your life unrequited love you very painfully experienced?
A: Yes. Last year I met this woman. She was the most amazing person I have ever met in my life. I was so moved with this experience, I even felt her near, Felt her go by places, and felt her coming. I even felt her pain from her memories without her sharing them in words, that happened in a moment from her face and 4 words she said as her heart poured out its feelings and I was overwhelmed with them. There is no comparison with any experience in my life or what I have read. It was the most beautiful and painful experience. Now I know about some things that have no reasonable explanation. Now I know what I have been looking for all my life. Now I know why I came to this place. She wanted we are only friends. Now that I got over my feelings we are only friends.
Q: You have a very nice name! What does it mean?
A: Thank you! My name Alan I read means handsome or beautiful, also harmony in Celtic. Also my second name Michael is known to mean God's warrior or in Hebrew "Who is like God". My further study on that name suggests a better translation to be "Who can know the mind of God?"
So for me the easy answer is, Alan Michael means "Handsome Warrior", but I think it really means "One who will know and protect the beauty of God's creation". Honestly I don't really care to read too much into any name after a little study.
In North America some native cultures choose their own name or have the elders choose based on their character. I think then my name should be "Lazy Bear, Charging Moose"
Q: What kind of woman do you want to meet?
A: The one who loves me for the way my heart is, who needs me more than anyone else on earth, to complete her. She also completes me. How will I know? God made her for me and me for her, since He also showed me what it was to feel this love in one direction when I fell in love, then I will also feel her love and I know that I will just know.
I have been asked "what is love". I will answer my opinion in another blog, if possible.
In closing I would like to answer some of the younger generation. I receive some messages that are not to be repeated! I understand your feelings, and sometimes share them! But consider that our society has twisted the truth to control us, make us better slaves, that sort of thing. Beautiful things, strong feelings, such God has given for us, for our pleasure, have been used and polished as temptations to be a trap for us. Resist the temptation to dwell on lustful ideas, please. Also consider this you young ladies filled with temptations of the world: A study done shows that constant viewing of porn shrinks the brain! So, it seems that continual meditation on sexual things might make people become a little dumber! I suggest we might try to be more careful to avoid dwelling on too much sexual things, and save these passions for the bedroom. And don't worry so much! A proper time for everything comes along.
I hope we all had some fun. Sorry if I didn't get your question this time, but already this blog is too long.
Happy birthday to those born in March! Happy special ladies day coming on the 8th!
Thanks again and God Bless.
-Alan (Coolcat from "Summer in the city - Lovin' Spoonful, 1966)
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