Women’s need for personal safety
id: 241060

I just rented a movie on VUDU, a streaming service, called “Apartment 407”. The subject of this movie is about a particular incident involving one woman and her ordeal after she was kidnapped. At the end of this movie there were some statistics about sex trade and slavery industry. The movie claims to be based on a true event. A young mother is lured into a false job interview where she is kidnapped and sold to numerous men for three long days, culminating in her courageous escape. This is a story of survival and resilience.
I have personally noticed a great reluctance of several women to come a visit me. By watching this movie, I have a better understanding of the cause. At the end of the movie several statistics were given that I have carefully copied and included in this blog, so I am sure I am not miss quoting them. They are:
Sex Slavery is the fastest growing criminal business in the world. Every year, at least 20.6 million adults and children are kidnapped to be bought and sold into the illegal sex trade industry worldwide. To put things into perspective, in 2013 Burger Kings annual net sales came in at about 1.15 billion. The annual estimated revenue for sex slavery is 32 billion. Approximately 10 billion is generated in North America alone. Less than 2 % of all sex trafficking victim manage to escape.
Peter the main perpetrator in the movie even after 11 years is still at large and probably doing the same thing to other girls.
As a personal note I feel the war in Ukraine is creating ideal condition for this industry to prosper. My expectation is that more than one male on the website is employed by this type of organization, so please refer this blog to your women friend so they are aware of risk and develop strategies to reduce the risk. To the website owners, please help create these strategies and publicize them.
