id: 184589
I HAVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT WOMENS DAY? Do men know the power and the ability of women?
Does money equal love and……..? I was raised that the most treasured, are that which you can not buy.
Why do we need to be reminded about all these days? Should we not live every day, acknowledging the women?
Do women know their own power? I have been intrigued by this question from a adolescent.
It is amazing if one asks this question there are no definite answers. Science can inform one all about the physical differences. There are differences Science can tell race, age, gender just from a hair follicle etc.…… Then there are so many physical and, now here comes phycology and there is a remarkable difference…..
As so many other days of the year that need to be reminded. One day out of a year, like mother’s day, family day, Christmas day, father’s day and the list just gets longer and longer.
I forgot there is money involved so there has to be gifts bought, to make economy grow. I would prefer that every day in our lives we have emotions and give from the hearts and not be forced to buy gifts at a predetermined date to show that humans still have EMOTIONS, RESPECT and APRESIATION. Should it not always be present in how we act and behave all the time?
Maybe I have just lost the plot of humanity. Is it that we work too long hours and only respect self-gain, to buy just another gift or is it all about who to pay when and how much to show emotions only at a designated time.
LIVE WITH LOVE all one’s life?