7 rules that will help your couple become happier
id: 10053587

1. Maintain a realistic perspective on your relationship.

The feeling of butterflies in your stomach won't last forever. There are ups and downs in every relationship. Planning for the future and wanting to be together forever is great. Taking vows, saying a lot of big words, sacrificing yourself, promising that everything will always be fine with you - all this only works in films. In real life, this can bring a lot of disappointment. You have to be objective and sincere. Keeping a realistic perspective helps you appreciate every moment together and grow through difficult times.

2. Constantly nurture relationships and learn to communicate with each other.

Working on a relationship means being attuned to it and taking care of it regularly, just as you would take care of a living being. Couples can use even difficult times to practice understanding each other, develop skills to deal with conflict in a sustainable way, and learn useful lessons about each other. Communication is the key to every relationship, and if you can't communicate effectively with your partner, your voice won't be heard. There are many books and techniques that are good at explaining how to express your wants and needs in a sustainable way. In particular, in the previous article we talked about Nonviolent Communication, which is very effective in relationships.

3. Spend time together regularly.

Quality time together is essential to relationships as it promotes emotional and physical connection. This, of course, is not just about being together in the same room. Couples need to reserve space in their schedules for spending time together to create positive memories and strengthen the bond.
