Hi guys and girls, ladies and gentlemen)
I decided to write here because I have what to say. You can call me expert of unlucky relationships but it was in the past, now I have what I was looking and searching so hard. Maybe it’s just nonsense, but I decided to share my own experience. Want to start from beginning – it’s only personal experience of my life. I am already engaged( not just in words, by letter, we are really engaged with my man and work over last stage –relocation. Visa is already done, we just plan where to live)
My fiirst experience happen with a man from Norway, I was living with him some time in my city. All was fine- as I thought – but I found our he read my text messages while I am on the kitchen or in bathroom, always check my phone , computer when I sleep. I had nothing to hide, but it was not pleasant. he always told me about “honesty is best policy, trust is first of all, we should have no secrets” but he always behaved like a detective. And last point was when he followed me as a spy to cafe where I met with my sister, but as he thought of course I should be with lover! We broke apart. And first thing I want to write here- GUYS, DON’T’ MAKE A PROBLEMS FOR EACH OTHER. Just be humanly and attentive to each other. Stop playing in detectives and spy, NO TRUST NO LOVE. trust to your choice - because it's your own choice. Its main rule in any relationships.
Maybe I don’t’ understand, but where from goes all those fears-if woman was not online 2 hours she is with 3 lovers in bed! No, she just could be tired or have dinner or really fall asleep.
So easy to judge, to hard to ask. Don’t shy to ask each other, because you can’t read thought of partner even when you live in the sane house) I even don’t’ say if you live in different countries. And one more point which I want to notice, please don't hate me for saying this, but its my own experience and this words was proved by many tears and disappointment from me. IF MAN DONT HAVE TIME FOR YOU NOW, EVEN IN LETTERS, I AM SORRY BUT IT WILL BE SAME IN REAL LIFE. Very deep inside many will agree with me, what it takes to write a note, to write short text, to write small poem, about 2 min, but how many of us really do that to our beloved ones? Lets stop to make excuses to each other, we both know- IF THERE IS A WISH, THERE IS A WAY!
I was written all this together with my man, and I should say in this letter not only woman's view on things.
Hope all of us will have happiness which we both so much deserve!
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