What is thetahealing®? i wish you a pleasant reading bülent
id: 3096291

What is ThetaHealing®?
I wish you a pleasant reading, Bulent
ThetaHealing® is a meditation-based technique performed at the Theta frequency (Theta brainwave). In this method, belief systems that do not serve the person, suppressed emotions, fears, traumas and genetic defects are removed from subconscious records and replaced with positive affirmations. When one's beliefs change, their thoughts, feelings, and actions change. With the reprogramming of the subconscious, one's life changes. ThetaHealing®, which is a very powerful method, is also very easy to apply and versatile. ThetaHealing® spiritual philosophy and meditation technique was developed in 1995 by Vianna Stibal, who is battling cancer. Vianna Stibal is the founder and pioneer of Theta Healing “THInK”, which teaches the ThetaHealing® technique in more than 150 countries around the world. Theta takes its name from Theta brain waves. According to Stibal, “When we connect to God, the Creator of All That Is, our brain waves automatically go into a Theta state of mind. In this state of mind, you can create anything and change reality instantly.”

What Are the Benefits of Tetha Healing?
The scale of physical or emotional problems in which the ThetaHealing technique can be used is quite wide. In such a scale, of course, the scale of benefit is also quite wide. Some of those;

You attract the unconditional love energy of the supreme Creator of all into your life.
You open your heart to UNCONDITIONAL LOVE
You experience unity consciousness
You renew your life energy
You clear your subconscious
You reprogram your subconscious
You attract abundance into your life.
You heal your relationship with money by removing the barriers to earning halal money.
You become free from negative karmas and ancestral negative root beliefs
You attract your divine life soul mate into your life
You can witness your illnesses get better
You can achieve the career and success you dream of.
You can protect your Aura field against negative energy and psychic attacks.
You can develop your intuition
You can unleash your talents given at creation
You can clean the area and place
You can increase the energy of your living space by adding feelings to things.
You can balance your chakras
You can clean radiation and bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites
You live your own reality by activating your genes that are turned off by DNA activation.
You are freed from beliefs of necessity and impossibility.
We cancel fears and regrets
In short, you rebuild your future by healing the past…
I always have a positive outlook on life. Did you like this article? Bulent
