How travel can change a person
id: 10052914

Travel changes our personality by affecting five key areas: emotions, extroversion, kindness, responsibility, and openness to new experiences.
During the trip, we closely interact with different cultures, and traditions, see a different way of life, and put ourselves in the place of other people, this greatly changes our worldview, breaks stereotypes, and helps to become more tolerant.
Traveling, especially spontaneous trips, develops useful resilience in us and helps us to be more flexible and open to new experiences.
When we travel, we have to communicate with a lot of people. All this "pumps" the extraverted side of our personality. Gradually, we begin to feel more comfortable in dialogue with strangers and even make new friends.
The more we travel, the better we feel in those situations in which we would have been uncomfortable before. This happens because our brain gradually understands that there is nothing wrong or dangerous in going beyond our customs and habits. This skill is very useful in everyday life.
While traveling, you better understand that every step we take has consequences. If we delay somewhere, we may miss the flight, and this will change the whole chain of events. Such small stresses help us to adapt to life in another country, and make us more mature, organized and responsible.
