Hello dear friends, ladies and gentlemen)
i ‘ve read few latest blogs and I felt I might write this note. I hope not to be judged, I write you with kind intention. Reference to Mike 48, Mojo and few others
Guys.. do you notice and realize you speak with EACH OTHER about women, but not with women? I know men share between each other things which they almost never share with women - may be you have to say this to your women. And yes i agree, we all have such called RED FLAGS, but let me be a bit bitchy ok?) RED FLAG for any woman if her man dont answer to her questions and just send short note or even worse, get lost for few weeks and then answer to all her letters in one his, what is that? Means he has no time for her, or just has no big interest in she. Guys, we women write letters not for our pleasure or just to get your attention. We do this to get to know you! Its only one way to know you-ask you a question. Next about unpersonal letters, mmm how letter can be person if you know each other just few days or had exchanges few letters? People spend years living together and still every day learn more and more about each other....
I read much articles and had experience also , so I have right to say and to ask - how many people were deeply hurt by one simple saying “ you are not serious enough”? Much more than you can imagine. We all have different understanding what is serious, we are all unique so please dont judge all women and men by one standard which ideal for you!
In Ukraine women trust ONLY to actions. All words, sweet promises, speaking about relations means nothing if man makes no real suggestions. what means this words- not real ? But for men its same...men also like real actions from women, isn't it? So why you don't give same what you expect to get?
Many people are prejudiced- men and woman the same. Turn off your inner judge and start you speak to each other with respect and understanding!!
Woman( man) can be tired, can be stressed, could misunderstand something in English - does it make them LESS serious..?
Love IS not agreement. Love is a feeling. if you feel love, just share it. Love make people serious about each other. Love makes people understand this. Love makes people open and “real” as you guys said. Stop thinking abbot perfect relationship and love, world is not perfect. Just love. if you cam of course.
Question- have you ever been in real in Ukraine..? I you have not, all you speak here about are just hypotheses
By the way, question to think - why ladies write brings so seldom..? they are interested in personal talks, not in reading a blogs and sharing her words only with the one.
so Final Advice to everybody : Men - don’t be afraid and don’t shy) World stands of man’s strong shoulder. Self esteem and being picky is great thing, but you cant find ideal. Ideals dont exist.
Girls - if man is tired or need a care, don’t sat about your nails, cloth, dogs. Care a men. Become a Woman, not just “girls”, ok?
with respect
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