Read me by hair color: what hair color says and what affects it!
id: 10046618

How does hair color affect personality?
Physiologists say that the reason is in endocrine processes. If a woman's body has a lot of the male hormone testosterone, then the hair will be dark in color. Hence the conclusion - brunettes, as a rule, are strong, powerful and active. If there is a lot of the female hormone estrogen, then the hair is blond. That is why blondes are credited with gentle and soft character traits and are considered more feminine.

Scientists have proven that hair color and the character of each person are interconnected, that is, a certain color of hair has its own behavioral characteristics. Thus, our native color is a certain program.

At the same time, numerous scientific studies and statements by parapsychologists suggest that when changing hair color, a woman's attitude towards herself, her attitude to the world, and in a sense even her character, change.
Brown hair
These women are calm and reasonable. They always strive for harmony with themselves and simply cannot stand pressure from the outside. They are great friends and companions. Fair-haired women are good psychologists, they are sensitive to other people's emotions, they know how to interpret them correctly, therefore they inspire confidence in others.

Light brown hair
Their mistress is extremely honest and follows generally accepted norms to the last. The character is most often kind, always ready to help the needy. Loves justice and appreciates honesty. In addition, psychologists attribute hardworking and pliability to light-blond women.

Dark hair color is ruled by Pluto, whose influence gives even more sensuality and mystery to these women. Under the influence of this planet, such qualities as confidence, charisma and masculinity are manifested. Brunettes are not afraid of problems and difficulties, they are always ready to fight back provocateurs, while they themselves are not inveterate brawlers.
Red hair
They do not compromise, despise danger, for the most part they are tactless and too impetuous in the manifestation of emotions. Virtue is not inherent in red-haired women, but they are able to act nobly. Two feelings are intertwined in red-haired women - tenderness and passion. However, they are in no hurry to start a family, as they prefer to develop their careers and fulfill themselves.
They are popular, slightly naive, vulnerable and always strive for independence. They prefer to solve problems based on their attractiveness and intuition. At the same time, they are sentimental, good-natured, dreamy, prone to inconstancy, mood swings and striving for change.
