Even Platon pondered on why people are so willing to kiss. His theory
is as follows.Previously, people looked like in the form of a ball. He
had four arms, four legs and two heads, both male and female. This is
one being, however, was too arrogant, and Zeus, angry, divided it into
"male" and "female" half. It is only by a kiss, according to Plato, it
will connect again. In any case, the separation was a punishment. Zeus
was not going to give people pleasure ... And miscalculated!
According to psychologists, kiss calms the nervous system and prevents
stress. Lovers kissing more often manifest themselves optimists, they
are confident in their abilities, but rather seek professional and
personal success. Kiss - is a "bouquet" of complex chemical reactions.
During the kiss exchanged between partners of 7 mg of fat, 0.7 mg of
protein, 0.45 mg of various salts. In addition, word of mouth for a
kiss goes about 200 streptococci, staphylococci, and many bacteria,
95% of them are harmless.
In Encyclopedia "Britannica" contains the following wording: "A kiss -
touch or move his lips caressing lips, cheek, arm or leg of another
man, used to express affection, greeting, a sign of reverence, or
sexual attraction."
Vladimir Dahl describes the kiss as "kissing, kissing, accompanied by
a single" word, a sign of love, friendship, greeting, respect, and so
on. "Connoisseur" of living of the Russian language "also reports that
in the old days, and instead of" Goodbye! "Our ancestors jokingly
said, "Before the first kiss."
Kisses will certainly greet each other when they met the first
Christians. In the Middle Ages ended with the ceremony of kissing the
next candidate for knighthood.
In ancient Babylon, public kissing was punished most severely. Woman
who was seen kissing in public, threatened with cutting off the ears
and the man could be deprived of the upper lip. In the XVIII century,
when the raging epidemic of plague, rabies, syphilis, European doctors
have warned patients: "Do not kiss the lips of about whose health you
know not for sure."
Kissing prevent the formation of wrinkles as well as train the muscles
of the face better than any massage. However, in European countries,
citizens kissing is relatively rare.According to opinion polls, the
average European of the day kissing is about 7 times, young people -
about 12 times, the wife of "experience" and the citizens over age 50
- about 2 times. 12% of respondents could not even remember when was
the last time kissing.
In East Asia, kissing as a greeting is not distributed as widely as
bows, although during the XX century European custom of kissing at the
meeting had penetrated even to Japan and China. The Inuit (Eskimos) in
the arctic cold fear at the time of frostbitten lips kissing. Instead,
they rub noses, greeting each other. In the south-east of India and in
Lapland instead of a kiss made respectfully pressed his nose to his
cheek and his counterpart at the same time take a deep, heartfelt
While kissing is accelerated heart rate (150). The frequency of
attacks during particularly strong excitation can be doubled. Pressure
exceeds the limit. The lips swell.They are soft and pink. That is why
the brightly painted lips - an erotic symbol. In every kiss - lips on
the lips - includes up to 34 different muscles. It is clear that in
this case and calories expended. Three-minute kiss - and 12 calories
as had happened. Some people believe that a kiss "infectious" is
dangerous. Oh no! Do not be afraid of infection, which allegedly
transmitted by kissing. Among the 13 tested by his partner caught a
cold just one. With every kiss "possession" of millions of bacteria
are transmitted to you. But this does not mean mortal danger. The
saliva contains enzymes of each person, and antibodies that can resist
any kind of infection. In addition, saliva contains androsterone - a
substance stimulating sexual desire.
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