Travel to Ukraine- Kiev
id: 117927
I visited Kiev in the last week of January 2015. Unfortunately the ladies I wanted to meet did not take time off from work to spend time with me.
I managed to have dinner with two ladies, one stopped writing to me once I returned to Durban, SA and the other, I discovered got married in April 2015. Fortunately I met a good tour guide and she took me to all the places of interest. Kiev is a beautiful city. I visited most of the churches and moved around the city because my tour guide was excellent and remains a good friend.
I have continued my search on this site and intend travelling to Ukraine again because I am confident that I will find a suitable partner in Ukraine.
If there are any men from South Africa keen on travelling to Ukraine, I urge you to make the trip. You will enjoy it.
I am now waiting for the manager of one of the Ladies to contact me so that I can plan my trip.
Men, please share your travel and meeting experience on this blog so that we can encourage each other.
I look forward to reading about your experience in Ukraine and then I will share more positive and negative experiences I had if this site publishes and allows my blog. Take care, Jeff