id: 10045511

I'm not looking for the perfect person, but I want him to be ready to support me in all my endeavors and be there for me in difficult moments. I want him to be a person I can trust and with whom we will build our family.

It is very important for me that my future husband is ready for responsibility and is ready to start a family. I want him to be caring and reliable, so that I can feel protected next to him.

But the most important thing for me is that he is ready to love and accept my family.

I know it's not easy to find such a person, but I believe that he is somewhere. I am ready to wait and look for my soulmate, because I know that when we meet, our life will become even happier and brighter.

My future husband is a man who will love me, who will be ready to support us and build our family together. I believe that we will find each other and be happy together for the rest of our lives.
