How do you learn to dream big?
id: 10047385

I want to tell you about three basic rules that help to be happy.
- FIRST: dream big.
- SECOND: Act to make dreams come true.
- THIRD: no matter how much you fear, everything will come true.

We have been conditioned from childhood to get approval - from parents, teachers, bosses, and government authorities. Our minds are conditioned by the demand for approval. Many people put their lives in the hands of others or become a "jailer" for someone else themselves, forgetting that everyone is capable of picking the key to unlocking personal possibilities on their own. To unlock private and unique potential, you must allow yourself to own your own life-so you have full access to the responsibility of personal experience, where there is no room for guilt or excuses.

Having established the desire to dream big and strive for fulfillment, you must unlock yourself from imposed standards by giving yourself a few permissions.
