Magical places on the planet
id: 10054461

Most of our lives are spent working, family or domestic chores. When we look back, we realise that we have spent a lot of time earning money, getting an education and raising children. If we do not change our environment and are constantly in the same atmosphere, we can lose ourselves and lose interest in life.
But travelling helps us to take a break from everyday life, to forget about work, to get rid of stress and problems, and to revaluate our lives.
Visiting other countries or cities, resting in resorts, basking in the warm sea, we assess the world in a new way, and also get to know ourselves better. It is only when we travel that we can fully relax, open up and organize our thoughts. And when we get out of our routine, we can make important decisions and change our lives drastically.
There are many beautiful places in the world to visit and see for yourself. And everyone has their own list of places they would like to visit. And I would like to share with you my list of places that I would like to see:
1. Yosemite Valley, USA
2. The Coloured Rocks of Zhangye Dangxia, China
3. Antelope Canyon, USA
The list could go on and on, as it is impossible to count the number of unforgettable places on our planet. Which sites would you like to visit or have you visited already? I'd be very interested to hear about your dreams and travels as well.
