Hello Ladies and Gentlemen!
I know my blog entries are hated by many people who wrote me whole week and the same useful to another people who also wrote me. From start I would like to ask ONLY a men- would you like I write information useful for you? I have much things to explain, to share, even to advice - but do you need it ? Cause maybe you afraid to comment my words here?) I hope not cause I am only with positive goal sharing that!
I admitted that topic about rings was very popular between men . It’s good. as Brucereturns wrote - smart men don’t need a luck. 100% true. But as woman I can ask- what do men need to be happy with his woman, to meet her, to handle all problems and to be really happy together? I guess only one- understanding !
Let’s be straight guys - women are hard to understand. In addition - we don’t believe in equality here. Did you know this? So.. I was thinking and decided to write here 5 Advices and Mistakes? And woman’s mistakes also. I made a lists because it’s just easier to read, I hope you understand.
1. Dear men, don’t be shy))) Men wrote after my last blog and asked - “ If she is pretty, do I have a chance?” I answered to all of them ( Billy and Kirk, I crossed my fingers to you!) if men knew what women think about, they could be more brave ))) All we women need is care, love, support and confidence. That’s all! Don't be afraid if you are not Brad Pitt, women don't need handsome models, they need real men!
2. Don’t make commitment if you are not ready. If you ever say “ I love you” - it means you offer commitment. If after this speaking with few women is cheating. Why? Because it’s Ukraine - man’s words here has a power. If you say she is the one make her only one! I understand very good - when women are majority, it’s very hard to resist. Just be faithful.
Not answered letter is like ignored date invitation. Silence is a sing person is not interested. Fact.
Women owe nothing to men. and Vice Versa. When I was on this site, I received must letters with demands. If you are attentive man, woman will appreciate this. If you write her once in 3 months, you just showed her, she is not your priority. Women here are not in despair, not in trouble. They are just looking for future life partner, lover and husband - all in one. Expensive site? Yes, if you have 15 girls to communicate with. But how much money you will spend going on dates with local women?
3. Women are not interested in your country. Dear men, just understand this way of thinking here - you are object of interest. When you ask woman - would you like to live in USA, Canada, Australia, Belgium, Germany. France or another country - it is question not about love. Dear men, women understand only one question - ‘ Honey, do you want to be/live/ share a life with me?”
4. Popular question, why women don't come that fast? First of all, dear men realize women leaving everything, her family, work, friends and even if you invite her for 2 weeks she is going there with huge hopes and all her family knows about you! Not every man would be brave to do same, so maybe let's start appreciate that? What you loose in that case? Nothing! You wait steps from woman by coming to you but which steps you do?
When you ask woman to visit you, here can be 2 points - you avoid expenses , have doubts or just play with her. Or you have really serious reason no to come - there.
5. Watch a TV show “ 90 Days Fiancee”. In every country all is the same. If you are not ready to take woman from here and to make her your wife, to become a Husband not only on words, what are you doing here?)) and please finally start to read about visa rules, cause if you see no different between fiancé and spouse visas, you are stuck here((((
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