Everyone deserves to be loved
id: 10053702

In our society, gender and sexual orientations have become a topic of wide discussion. Many people still experience fear and rejection of the LGBT community, simply because it is different from what they consider to be the "norm". But what is "norm"? In my opinion, the norm is something relative, and every person has the right to freedom of expression and self-expression.
I have seen stories of people who have struggled with themselves because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. They hid their true feelings, fearing rejection and misunderstanding from others. But, fortunately, times are changing. We see more and more support and tolerance towards the LGBT community. This is a sign that we are making progress in understanding and recognizing the right of every person to be himself.
I believe that love and happiness should not be limited to gender or sexual orientation. Love knows no boundaries and does not follow the standards imposed by society. It appears in different shapes and colors, and it's wonderful! It is important to support and respect the freedom of choice and expression of each individual.

One of the most important things I've learned from the experience of the LGBT community is the strength and courage to be yourself.
