How to be valuable to yourself ?
id: 10048049

For the first time, a person receives such a right at conception, and then it is influenced by the conditions in which he grew up. If it happened, then the project called "I" will happen. However, a person does not always feel and understand his right to be valuable, the right to be for himself in this world, so he tries to realize it in various ways, often not entirely pleasant for himself. A person is hurt by the fact that people do not value him, do not respect him and it does not matter in what matters, at the same time, he himself does not feel his own value, does not treat himself with respect and care.

What can prevent this process? Mother's health or life circumstances. The more valuable the child is to the mother, the more they wait for its appearance, the greater the probability that everything will turn out according to the best scenario. While still in the mother's womb, and later when growing up, the child is unconsciously permeated with this feeling: "Can I be in this world? If I can, how? Do I like being in this world?".

When working with people, I often come across the fact that many people cannot find their place in life, they sink into a state of deep mistrust, they are accompanied by anxiety.

Whatever the prenatal conditions, whatever the relationship with the parents, life circumstances - at any moment a person can begin to truly take care of himself. In order to get all that she has been missing for many years.

As soon as a person begins to work on finding his place, as soon as he begins to take small steps to feel himself, to feel his desires, to think ecologically in relation to himself and others - he gains access to a large amount of resource that was once suppressed. She begins to believe in herself, feel valuable, see opportunities and understand that she is able to influence her life.

A person who becomes valuable to himself can see this value in another person. She can create a full-fledged relationship with another person. A person who does not feel his worth is always in a state of anxiety, anger, irritation, powerlessness, resentment, and even rage and the desire to run away.

Each of us has a lot of beautiful, bright, kind, unique that needs to be protected. But, more often we do something completely different - we criticize, devalue and do not hear ourselves. We run away from development because we think we are not ready, we ignore the positive changes in ourselves because we are afraid, we see opportunities but do not use them, thereby betraying ourselves. And when we betray ourselves, it is precisely this that leads to dissatisfaction, irritation and anxiety.

It is important to feel the following: ignoring the personal "I", the inability to determine personal desires, the inability to understand personal emotions, the inability to defend one's position - all this brings a person discomfort, and often suffering. A person needs to confirm his position, defend it and create his life.

In order to touch the true self, an honest look is important, it is necessary to see oneself as a whole, to recognize one's merits and imperfections, to feel one's true desires. To allow yourself to be yourself without violating the boundaries of another, to go beyond your beliefs, your limiting behavior patterns.

Find time to take care of yourself! Become a kind and caring figure for yourself. Treat yourself as you would like others to treat you, respect yourself. Analyze the events in which you felt bad, why it happened and consider what needs to be changed to avoid such situations.

Give yourself an honest answer to what you have wanted for a long time and think about how you can realize it. Allow yourself gradual changes in your life, give yourself the right to be valuable, the right to be unique and the right to be happy!
