Trust is the basis of relationships
id: 10041522

First, trust is formed. It is before faith. To her. Trust - to faith. Trust is neat, timid, gradual, erratic. Sometimes needs confirmation. Faith is firm. It is final.

Fear of the future is distrust of the Creator, the Universe. It is important to understand that no one but the Creator can control the future.

Trusting yourself means believing in yourself, your abilities, being confident in yourself, believing in your success. Feel, rely on your own shoulder, knowledge, experience. Develop, try, make mistakes and draw conclusions.

A child knows how to trust. Trust in the world, people and relationships, she absorbs with milk on her mother's hands. And she still believes. Always! And to everyone.

Trust is related to security. I can trust when I have a sense of security. However, faced with reality, with cruelty, with many obstacles, having experienced a lot of pain, I close my heart from it. I stop trusting...

When they deceive, betray, abandon, change to someone else, when hopes are not justified, lies to the eyes and behave meanly, it is difficult to believe again, it is difficult to trust. After all, this means opening the heart, exposing wounds, becoming accessible. It is scary. Because I don't want pain anymore.

When there is a lot of pain from a man, it is important to learn to break up with him, and not to be a victim in this relationship. While you are the victim, he is the tyrant. And so with everyone, not only with a man.

The wound must be treated. And it will take time. Betrayal is very painful. It's like a knife in the back. It is perfectly normal and beneficial to seek professional help.

The pain will eventually pass and then it becomes easy to live, to trust, to believe. And this does not mean blindly, not to notice falsehood. No. It means being open-eyed to feel, see and understand who you can trust and who you can't.
