What kind of people you should surround yourself with and why it's so important
id: 10043343

There have been some interesting studies in social psychology that explain how most people shape their environment. This is especially true for children and adolescents, but adults often choose their friends based on their close neighbourhood as well. Even during your college years, who were you friends with? Not with those who had similar personalities and interests to yours, but with those who literally sat next to you.
Think about it, who are the people who are in your inner circle? How did they end up in it? Are they helping you to stretch yourself upward? If you want to improve your wealth and succeed in life, you need to surround yourself with people who have higher standards than you. As Tony Robbins stated, your life is a reflection of your standards, or what you are willing to put up with. Most people are willing to put up with unhealthy relationships, poor finances, and a hateful job. Otherwise, none of these things would be in their lives.

The same is true for more than just work relationships. What do you say about your romantic partner? Does he or she support you towards high standards? Does he help you become better than you currently are? Do you help him or her? Most people are a direct reflection of those around them. If those around them have lower standards, they lower their own. If those around him have higher standards, he raises his own.
Think of people, just by being around whom you have elevated thoughts and energy. These are the kind of people you should surround yourself with. These are the kind of people you should look up to so that others become better just by being around you.

The quality of your life and the quality of your work is determined by the standards you set for yourself and the standards of those around you.
Therefore, if you really want to become a better person, surround yourself with people who will hold you to a higher standard than you currently hold yourself to. As you get closer to them, you will soon learn a lot from them.
Your talents and potential don't matter if you are surrounded by people who won't help you realise them. Many of us have acquaintances with untapped potential. But don't let that happen to you.
Choosing your environment makes a huge difference.
Choose the right people and you will be successful in life.
