Clean houses, at least in one box
id: 10054295

It is not necessary to be an astrologer to diagnose for yourself what state our mind is in. To do this, it is enough to carefully look at the place where we live. According to the ancient Vedic science of Vastu, the house is the same living organism that has a head, a heart, etc. If rubbish accumulates in the house, then this is a clear sign that in our life there will be stagnation in those areas that symbolize individual parts of the house. Often many psychological problems and obstacles in life can be solved in such a mystical way as cleaning!!!
It is often difficult for a person who has chronic problems in his life to clean up, because. he feels that he has accumulated so much cleaning, but so little strength, and he puts it off. The energy of stagnation is very strong! But there is one trick. I call it the "one box" rule. Find any drawer in your house and start cleaning it. Reassure yourself that you will only take it apart, and this does not oblige you to anything! No general cleaning!
But when you do this, you will suddenly feel that some kind of energy has been released in you. Mystically, you have removed the energy of stagnation from both your home and your mind.
If you suddenly feel in yourself! It happens often. This is a very good way to put your mind in order during times of stress, trouble or some kind of upheaval.
If you are in a state of uncertainty and do not know what choice to make, foresee cleaning, the answer may suddenly come by itself.
