When someone asks you how you are, do you ever say "I am so busy! Or good but busy." Try it now. Stop and say that word, "busy" over and over. Busy. Busy. Busy. Busy. Busy. – NO BUSY! How do you feel when you say busy? It makes me feel all wound up.
When you say the word busy and busy over again, you can actually feel the vibration of the word, it's is like a bee buzzing all over the place. Remember bees are always busy buzzing. No time for play. They just work and work and work until the queen bee kills them. Not a good deal!
Words matter. Words are sound and sound is vibration and vibration is energy. It's like sonar that you send out into the universe from your voice box. The words we speak send out a vibration that tells the universe who we are and what we want. If you use the word 'busy' you in effect, telling the universe you have too much to deal with and you don't want any more. So if you don't like what you are doing and what is filling your time, use the word busy. It has a negative vibration that will tell the universe, "I am doing lots of things that are keeping me from what I really want to be doing." And the universe will help you take those things away. But, if you like what you are doing yet sometimes feel like it's a lot, say something more like, "My life is really full right now, and I love everything that I am doing... and I could use some playtime!" Then the universe will gift you with that playtime instead of taking away what you love. It's more words to say, but it's worth every syllable.
Some actions to help you:
Make the commitment. Say out loud, "I give up the word busy."
Go on word police alert. Notice when you use the word 'busy' to describe your current life state.
When you say 'busy' notice how you feel and the energy it creates ... does it make you feel good or does it close you down?
Experiment with other words. When someone asks you, "How's life?" Instead of saying "Busy." Say, "It's really full right now. I am loving what I am doing and I could use some playtime." Notice the difference in how that feels.
Keep experimenting.
After a week of experimenting, notice what you've learned. And take the vow again, "I give up the word busy".
After giving up the usage of the word “busy” you may feel much better and you may have much time for everything you love – and for making LOVE too instead of being busy-;)
Be always free and laid-back, it is much better to have much spare time, believe me! Feel O’K and NEVER tired or busy!
Regards, Julia
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