Advantages of experience in new relationships.
id: 10041676

Most likely, each of us has had one or more experiences in love or feelings. Relationships always begin as something invisibly airy, fragile, beautiful. But often people make mistakes, are intolerant of each other or are too impulsive, maybe they do not fully understand the psychology of a man or a woman and LOVE evaporates into a piece of ice in the sun.

But along with this comes the experience that before you say something bad or think, you need to put yourself in the partner's place and live his situation in his "skin", and only then condemn or criticize or draw other conclusions, try to understand.

Often people think up a "picture of events", fantasize about something wrong, quarreling. Relationships can't stand it, romance goes away, the HEART cracks like crystal.

Experience and mistakes in the past give an understanding of how to love sincerely, honestly and forever, without paying attention to shortcomings each others, and to see only sparks of LOVE in the eyes of loved one!

I wish us only GREAT LOVE!
