id: 93268
I'm here to respond to my lack of responding to your letters. I'm very sorry but ask for patience so let me please explain and hope you will understand. I have been dealing with the suicide of my next to oldest child. I was contacted by the police department after they found my son's body at his apartment. I just buried my child, my loving son so forgive me if I haven't answered your letters. I won't go into details about this matter but ask for forgiveness, patience and understanding. I know everyone deals with grief differently and some might find me being selfish for not sharing with you the pain, suffering and my emotions I'm going thru. I will return your letters and explain to you personally sharing my feeling and emotions. My other children have been printing out your letters bringing them to me even reading them to me so I have not been completely out contact. I will ask you to please understand and I will be back Tuesday the 8th November. I do send my love and can only hope you will understand but promise I'm ready to open up about my feelings I dealt with the loss of my son. Please understand !!!!!! Phillip