5 motivating reasons that will help you become better
id: 10050514

Why is it still worth starting sports training and what are the benefits?
1 reason: health is the source of life

No matter how it sounds, fitness is primarily aimed at improving the body. Physical exercises are excellent both for strengthening health and for self-recovery: after injuries, operations, and illnesses.
Start exercising regularly, and very soon you will notice:
improvement of well-being;
a rush of cheerfulness;
restoration of sleep quality and many other positive effects caused by training.
And all this happens thanks to the saturation of muscles and internal organs with oxygen.
2nd reason: stress resistance is the key to peace of mind.

In our age, a constant lack of time prevails. In order to be able to accomplish what we set out to do or to fulfill the instructions of our superiors: we run around the designated places all day, spray on unfinished business, find ourselves in constant nervous tension, and, in the end, fall into depression. Do you understand how important it is, in connection with all this, to have stress resistance?
Fitness is an excellent assistant for developing resistance to the attacks of such a harsh and unstable world. Physical exercises help train psychological resilience, teach you to correctly set goals and priorities, which contributes to invulnerability to stress.

3rd reason: endorphins are a charge of happiness and weight control.

Endorphins are one of the neurotransmitters that the human brain produces independently. They are also called the "hormone of happiness". It is possible to draw a simple conclusion: by exercising, you become happier.
Endorphins provide not only an elevated mood, but also suppress cortisol, the "stress hormone", and control appetite. The hormone of happiness works as a fuse, activating hunger exactly when you really need a recharge. At the same time, control is not only over overeating, but also over undereating. Start training, and you will be able to reach the ideal weight, regardless of your body constitution.
4th reason: self-improvement is the way to find your true self

Physical exercises are associated with overcoming weaknesses, recognizing one's capabilities, reassessing values and many other things that harden one's character.
Systematic training:
— have a beneficial effect on self-discipline;
— help to train the will;
- give self-confidence.
In other words: start practicing and develop a strong personality. And what can motivate better than the possibility of gaining independence and self-confidence?

5th reason: beautiful appearance - create yourself.

Agree, the word "fitness" speaks for itself, evoking associations: with grace, a toned figure and thrilling flexibility. Well, who would refuse such a thing? Engage in fitness, and you will have all this.
This list contains only five motivating reasons for doing fitness, but each person can (and should) have their own and differ from the above. Whatever motivation you choose for yourself, there is only one thing: good physical shape is undoubtedly something that always admires.
Thanks to complex training, it is possible to develop such properties of the body as:
— plastic;
— movement coordination;
— endurance;
— strength;
— speed, etc.
And most importantly, physical exercises are available to every age group, regardless of the state of health.
