Overcoming conflicts: ways to resolve conflicts and competitions in pairs.
id: 10053128

1. Accept your emotions

First of all, it is important to accept your emotions and identify what exactly caused the conflict. Try to find calm and focus on the positive aspects of your partner. This will help reduce tension and ensure a more productive dialog.

2. Listen to the other side

When you are in a conflict, it is important not only to express your views, but also to listen to the other side. Try to understand the reasons for their view of the situation and how they feel. This will help you find a common solution.

3. Find a compromise

Conflict can only be overcome if both parties agree to compromise. Try to find a solution that is acceptable to both partners. This can be a concession on one side or a search for alternative options.

4. Use "I-messages".

When you want to express your views on a situation, use "I-messages". This means that you are talking about your feelings and thoughts, not criticizing the other party. For example, instead of saying, "You always forget about our plans," say, "I feel disappointed when we can't spend time together."

5. Don't forget about interaction

When you are in a couple, it is important not to forget about interaction. Try to find ways to keep in touch and develop your relationship. It could be doing activities together, going on regular romantic dates, or just spending time together.

We all have conflicts and struggles as a couple. But it's important to know that this is normal and that you can overcome them. Try these five ways to compromise and improve your relationship.
